For Sale
Lil Miss B Haven Fabius CQuinn *B
DOB: 2/25/2020
S: Old Mountain Farm Cyrus Quinn +*B (Sire of 2021 ADGA National Champion)SS: Old Mountain Farm InLikeQuinn
SD: Old Mountain Farm Peris
D: GCH Lil Miss B Haven Francesca 3*M
DS: +B TX Twincreeks WM Watermark
DD: GCH Double Sundog ST Freja 2*M
Dam - GCH Lil Miss B Haven Francesca 3*M

Progeny udders.

3G Family Farm Golden Harvest *B
DOB: 4/16/2020
S: 3G Family Farm SQ Sweet Cheeks *B
SS: Agape's Prize Sulaymaan Quinn *B
SD: SGCH Castle Rock Sweet N Low 7*M
DS: TX Twincreeks RM Watermark +B
DD: GCH 3G Family Farm HM Peaches 3*M
Dam - GCH 3G Family Farm WM Apricot 4*M VEEE 91

Progeny Udders
To reserve a goat, we require a nonrefundable deposit (per goat reserved) of $100.00. Please email me with your choices along with your name and phone number. I accept check, cash or venmo.
Once we have contacted you to let you know that a goat you reserved is available, please respond within 24 hours to confirm that you want it. 50% of total price will be due at this time and remainder of balance will be due before pickup.
Kids will be ready for pickup at 3-4 weeks of age unless prior arrangements have been agreed upon.
We reserve the right to retain any kid born. We also reserve the right to raise or lower the pricing of kids once they are born based on their individual qualities. We reserve the right to cancel a sale at any time for any reason, with a full refund of any monies received (unless the customer did not pick up the goat when agreed or did not pay as required).
Height of your animal is not guaranteed.
Health of the animal sold is not guaranteed after it leaves our property. It then becomes the buyer's responsibility. Replacements will be made only when medical proof is given to prove a genetic problem is found with the sold animal, the replacement will come in the form of another kid either from that year or the next year's kidding season. Examples of genetic problems are, but not limited to, extra teats or sterility. There is no monetary refund for this.
Transport and cost of CVI cert is buyers' responsibility. We will work with transporters and assure the goat receives the CVI from a local vet.
All kids start at $450.00
*** Discounts offered for all 4H and FFA members***
****Discount offered with purchase of multiples***
We will also be selling a few does in milk this year. If you are interested please email me for more information.